Helping Families Reach Life Goals
We understand that wealth brings great demands and responsibilities with a myriad of time-consuming and complex issues that are often overlooked, misunderstood or just not managed properly. However, wealth should also bring a sense of freedom and peace of mind.
We will help to simplify your life and reach your own sense of freedom. It begins with a well-defined and integrated strategy to guide us and maintain accountability. Your Family Prosperity Plan™ is based upon your family’s values and aspirations and encompasses all aspects of wealth, lifestyle and legacy management. It offers a step-by-step process to lay the solid foundation of planning and goal setting which ultimately lead to Freedom and Peace of Mind.
We begin with a comprehensive financial assessment to determine resources, risks and opportunities. Considering your current and future needs and desires, we create a Financial Plan where the ultimate objective is to support your family’s financial security and independence.
Once the foundation of a strategic financial plan and management structures are in place, we have set the stage for developing longer term strategies to preserve family security for generations to come. We also have the platform to help family members identify ways to create their finest life. This life may be expressed through a family business, vocational choices or giving back to society.
With the Family Prosperity Plan™ in place, we work with your family, following the established “road map” toward freedom and peace of mind. We monitor progress and make directional adjustments with discipline and clarity as circumstances dictate.
To deliver Multi-Family Office Services under the model described above, we maintain the following distinct attributes:
- You will have a primary relationship with your Family Office Director (FOD) who is responsible for overseeing your entire financial team and the proactive management of your family’s finances and strategic plan.
- Our boutique nature limits our clients to 50-60 families per FOD so we have the time and resources to deliver on promises.
- We are independent, we “sit on the same side of the table as you” and are compensated for our service directly by you. We do not sell any product and we do not work for any institution or money manager. We work exclusively for you.
- Given the long-term nature of our client relationships, accountability is imperative; we use consolidated measurement tools and benchmarking to help us stay on track towards the achievement of your long-term strategic goals.